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10 Benefits Of LED Lights By Experts At Beyond LED Technology

10 Benefits Of LED Lights By Experts At Beyond LED Technology

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LED lights have been the latest technological tool to illuminate a space vibrantly. It is a versatile segment in lighting as it delivers perfect ambiance and efficiency. With every changing day, the technological advancements in LED lighting are also changing.

The worldwide projection suggests that the size of the LED market will reach USD 124.7 billion by 2027, at a CAGR of 10.6%. These numbers depict higher growth than ever in LED light segments.

To justify the numbers, let’s walk through why LED lights are different from traditional lights and what their benefits are.


Why are LED lights different from traditional lights?


There’s a simple LED lights’ fact that LED lights use 75% less energy than incandescent lighting. 

# Incandescent lights have been around since the 1800s; they generate light by heating a wire filament to a specific temperature. The wire is encased in a gas-filled glass bulb.

LEDs, which don't have filaments and function differently. Diodes are electrical devices with two electrodes that let electricity pass. the anode and cathode Similar to a battery, current enters the anode and exits the cathode.

# Incandescent lights are cheaper than LEDs and are available on a large scale.

LED is long-lasting, energy-efficient, and low-maintenance. LED lights last 50,000 to 100,000 hours, or five to 10 years. It saves energy by producing less heat than an incandescent.

# LED emits light directionally instead of 360 degrees, like incandescent. This saves energy because it's focused on a certain degree instead of 360 degrees.

Benefits of LED lights

  1. LEDs are safer
The heat eliminated from lights is the biggest hazard, and it’s a point that is overlooked. Traditional bulbs like incandescents convert more than 90% of their energy directly into heat. 

10% of incandescent light energy is used for light (which also makes them extremely inefficient compared to LEDs). LEDs consume less power and can work on low-voltage systems. If something goes wrong, these are safer.

  1. LEDs have a great color rendering index (CRI)
CRI measures a light's ability to reveal object colors compared to an ideal source (natural light). A high CRI is desirable (although, of course, it depends on the required application). LEDs have good CRI ratings. 

The best way to understand CRI is to compare high-CRI LED lighting to sodium vapor lamps, which generally have poor CRI ratings and are, in some cases, almost monochromatic.

  1. The light emitted from LED is directional
LEDs emit light within 180 degrees, while other types of light illuminate the whole 360 degrees. 360-degree emissions require devices to reflect and/or redirect light. 

This raises system costs and causes losses, making the device less efficient than it could be. 

Standard bulbs emit light upwards. The problem is that you're lighting the room, not the ceiling. LEDs solve this problem completely and increase energy efficiency.
  1. LED lights have dimming capabilities
LEDs can operate at 0 to 100% of their rated power. LEDs require hardware to dim (meaning you cannot use the dimming equipment for an incandescent bulb or other traditional lighting technology). 

LEDs operate more efficiently at lower powers. This increases the light's lifespan. Both advantages are absent with technologies like metal halides, which are less efficient at lower power and can't be dimmed.

  1. LEDs are available in various correlated color temperatures
There is a wide range of correlated color temperature (CCT) values for LEDs. 

They are available with a "warm" yellowish glow, a "cool" white light, and in a number of other variations. Here you can learn more about CCT.

  1. LEDs light up instantly
Fluorescent bulbs flicker and take a moment to brighten fully. The filament in incandescent bulbs struggles to handle the surge of electricity that comes with each switch flip. 

LEDs turn on and off instantly, providing bright light no matter how often you do so. This is helpful if your business operates night and day or is opened by lone employees in the dark early in the morning.

  1. LEDs operate at lower voltages
If you install a low-voltage lighting system that operates at approximately 12 volts, you and your employees or loved ones are much less likely to experience a harmful electric shock if the lighting system is damaged or exposed to the elements. Voltage systems used to power conventional lighting produce around 120 volts, which is fatal if touched by accident.
  1. LED produces zero UV emissions

This is the greatest benefit of LED lighting for the environment. LEDs emit almost no energy in the ultraviolet portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. This means that LEDs can safely and reliably illuminate UV-sensitive objects, such as artwork, that will degrade and deteriorate when exposed to this type of emission.

  1. Benefit of LED lighting on the environment
LEDs lack the environmental concerns that plague conventional lighting technologies such as fluorescent and mercury vapor lights. Both of these conventional options contain mercury within the bulb, necessitating special disposal procedures at the end of the product's useful life. With LEDs, none of these considerations are necessary.
  1. Benefit of LED lighting on human health
  1. Due to their similarity with natural light, LEDs help to reduce headaches.
  2. Recent advancements in LED lighting technology enable LEDs to simulate natural light and aid in regulating a healthy circadian rhythm.
  3. LEDs may decrease the likelihood of sleep disorders, sleep deprivation, and insomnia.
  4. According to research, when LED lighting is installed in a learning environment, academic performance improves.

Wrapping Up

Overall, LED lights offer numerous benefits and are a simple and cost-effective means of reducing your carbon footprint. LED lighting is the answer, whether you seek increased energy efficiency, easier maintenance, or enhanced environmental performance from your lighting technology.

We hope that the above benefits of LED lights guided you well as to why choose LED. But whom should you choose?

Beyond LED Technology is a leading LED wholesaler, and we deliver efficient warehouse LED lights, industrial LED lights, hotel LED lights, LED outdoor lights, and much more. You can count on us to reduce LED light pollution while increasing output.

Connect with us today!